About Gemma the threads that led her here and why she's on a mission
Feb 01, 2022Hi to my new followers! Thank you so much for joining my community. I want you to know I cherish each and every one of you. Here’s a little bit about me:
I'm Gemma, 42, married to David, with two children, Jack (13) and Ava (9). We also have a 5-month-old cocker spaniel named Mabel.
I qualified as a nurse, back in the year 2000, aged 21.
I found my passion straight away in cardiology, working as a nurse on Coronary Care and quickly becoming nursing sister in Cardiac Rehabilitation aged 24 ( just a way of saying specialist nurse).
I loved my job and still miss it sometimes all these years on.
You see heart disease ran in both sides of my family and I was on a personal crusade to understand more about it and how to prevent it. The thought process in my head was, I can help save my parents, extended family and future generations, whilst helping others in my job.
Once I learnt what I could, I craved freedom and felt the itch to evolve. I could see where elements of suppression lay.
I now know that freedom is the strongest core value that runs throughout my life and every decision I make and something I always fight for. The signs were always there, I left home at 16 and It's a HUGE driving force for helping others who are suppressed with poor health and quality of life as a consequence.
I dipped my toe in slowly and began contracting as a specialist nurse.
My intuition and nudges from God, the universe, creator, higher power (whichever name you choose) were right and I found myself being rewarded better financially for the work I did, whilst having the freedom to set my own schedule. You have to know what you want and see yourself worthy of it!
Two years on, in 2010, always wanting to evolve and grow, I was a new mum and desired even more freedom, no night shifts, 6 am starts or midnight finishes.
I took a leap of faith and started my own business. I set up a private cosmetic clinic in my local town.
No other independent nurses were doing it at the time, so it felt quite isolating and scary!
I'd been on the personal development path for a while, but this was when THE REAL inner and outer work began. I discovered personal blocks, barriers and sabotages. How I hold myself back from success, my core values, loyalty issues, friendships breaking down, you name it, it showed up! Not to mention learning how to do new skills such as IT, accounts, marketing, sales and so on!
In 2016 a crescendo came and I started to struggle mentally and emotionally. I hit burn out and It was a frightening time with 2 young children. The big silver lining was that it led me down the path of yoga and becoming a certified yoga teacher. It transformed both myself and my business and is a big component of my business teaching today.
I healed myself over several years and my clinic kept on growing.
I took on a new role as a cosmetic trainer for a national training company, where I helped them adhoc for 3 years. I also completed my level 7 certificate in cosmetic medicine.
In 2019 my husband and I craved a new experience. We decided to relocate our family to the country. It's a beautiful place. Low crime, with lots of places of outstanding natural beauty, forests, hiking and walking trails. Lots of excellent restaurants and only 40 mins from the beautiful coastline.
Then the pandemic hit!
Away from the comforts I always knew as home, the kids at new schools, husband in a career change and now being an hour and a half away from my clinic, let's just say I discovered there was much more inner work to do! A topic for another time, but my yoga and meditation came to full use.
in 2020 the pandemic made me realise I wanted to simplify, I already knew this, as it was a big catalyst for the move.
My time (there goes the freedom theme again) and my health became my priority. I didn't want to travel up and down the country teaching for someone else anymore, so I decided to start my own training Academy up. I took the learnings from that role and decided to make my training unique and offer something that was desperately needed that wasn't out there.
One that will:
Help people become accredited Aesthetic practitioners in performing safe, natural looking treatments. Natural is important, as I refuse to work with people who believe big is better, want to change faces or buy in to facial trends.
One that will help not only aesthetic, but other small service based business owners in the health, beauty or wellness sector, make the mindset shifts required, to help them excel their business with ease, creating a business that supports their life vision.
With less stress and burnout and more profit, ease, balance and freedom.
My Excel with Ease podcast is an outlet for helping to create a community of like minded people who are uprooting their limiting beliefs, blocks and self sabotages that have held them back all their life. Putting strategies in place that will help them achieve balance.
Defining success on their terms and refusing to buy in to the belief society feeds you, that success in business, means sacrificing other important areas of life.
Afterall what does any of it mean without health, financial stability, fun, thriving relationships, a life filled with love, inner peace and the freedom to explore and experience all the delights, life and this wonderful world has to offer.
Lots of Love